Revolutionary sound and light frequency therapy sessions:

Our revolutionary sound frequency therapy system brings ancient traditions to the modern world — combining high-fidelity audio with human-generated tones to create a whole-body experience like nothing else.
The exclusive healing tones are transmitted throughout the entire body via headphones and wrist and ankle pads to deliver a total mind-body experience.

In a wireless world, our system is wired to give you the highest quality lossless sound and protection from harmful effects of EMFs.

1hr session includes: 

-Headphones and wrist and ankle pads delivering revolutionary sound healing frequency throughout the whole body
-Infrared light wearable device to help power your cells
-You will be covered in a weighted blanket and an eye pillow to assist with calming your nervous system to allow for deeper healing

Energy Exchange: $45/30mins
or $65/60 mins

Pre-purchase 5 sessions, get one free!

Our patented sound healing system begins with the human voice. Throughout history, the power of song and sound has been well researched and proven...over and over again. By delivering uniquely enhanced human toning sounds through headphones as well as through pads placed on major acupuncture meridians, it introduces specific modulated frequencies that are balancing and harmonizing throughout the body. These powerful tones create a natural resonance in your body that counteracts the (harmful) EMFs, toxins and stress you are exposed to during the day while rebalancing the body leaving you with a clear head, improved health, better sleep, and a feeling of calmness and well being.

Biological properties of normal and damaged cells, which have lost their ability to communicate, are being studied with new and exciting fields of research in frequency, light and sound applications. With the ability to deliver ultra-low frequency fields through light and sound, we can create a harmonious impact on our own cell-signaling. In essence, this practice can help repair and restore cellular communication and continuous biological changes can occur.